Singapore Printable Calendar 2025: A Comprehensive Guide To Major Events And Holidays

Singapore Printable Calendar 2025: A Comprehensive Guide to Major Events and Holidays


In this auspicious occasion, we are delighted to delve into the intriguing topic related to Singapore Printable Calendar 2025: A Comprehensive Guide to Major Events and Holidays. Let’s weave interesting information and offer fresh perspectives to the readers.

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Singapore Printable Calendar 2025: A Comprehensive Guide to Major Events and Holidays

2025 Singapore Calendar with Holidays

Singapore, a vibrant and multicultural metropolis, is known for its bustling cityscape, rich history, and diverse cultural heritage. As the year 2025 approaches, residents and visitors alike eagerly anticipate the upcoming events and holidays that will shape the year. To assist in planning and keeping track of important dates, a comprehensive printable calendar for Singapore 2025 is an invaluable tool.


  • New Year’s Day (January 1): The year begins with a celebration of new beginnings and fresh starts. Many Singaporeans take part in traditional customs, such as visiting temples and offering prayers for good luck and prosperity.

  • Thaipusam (January 18): This Hindu festival honors Lord Murugan, the god of war and victory. Devotees participate in colorful processions and engage in ritual piercings and self-flagellation as acts of penance and devotion.


  • Chinese New Year (February 12-13): Singapore’s largest and most important festival, Chinese New Year is celebrated with grand parades, festive decorations, and family gatherings. The streets come alive with lion and dragon dances, and traditional dishes such as pineapple tarts and nian gao are enjoyed.

  • Valentine’s Day (February 14): Couples celebrate their love and affection on this romantic holiday, exchanging gifts and enjoying special dinners or getaways.


  • Holi (March 8): Also known as the Festival of Colors, Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates the triumph of good over evil. People of all ages gather to throw colored powder and water at each other, creating a vibrant and joyful atmosphere.

  • Good Friday (March 28): Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on this solemn day. Churches hold special services and many people engage in quiet reflection and prayer.


  • Easter Sunday (March 30): This Christian holiday celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Families gather for brunch or lunch, and children participate in egg hunts and other festive activities.

  • Labour Day (May 1): Singaporeans celebrate the contributions of workers on this public holiday. Trade unions organize rallies and speeches, and many people enjoy a day off from work to relax and spend time with loved ones.


  • Vesak Day (May 13): Buddhists commemorate the birth, enlightenment, and passing of Buddha on this sacred day. Temples hold special ceremonies and devotees offer prayers and engage in meditation.

  • Hari Raya Puasa (May 24): This Muslim festival marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. Muslims gather for prayers and festivities, and traditional dishes such as ketupat and rendang are shared.


  • Dragon Boat Festival (June 22): This Chinese festival commemorates the life and death of the poet Qu Yuan. Dragon boat races are held on rivers and lakes, and people eat zongzi, a traditional rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves.


  • National Day (August 9): Singapore’s independence day is celebrated with a grand parade, fireworks display, and other festivities. Singaporeans proudly display the national flag and come together to commemorate the country’s history and achievements.

  • Hari Raya Haji (July 9): Muslims celebrate this festival to commemorate the pilgrimage to Mecca. Animals are sacrificed and the meat is distributed to the poor and needy.


  • Mid-Autumn Festival (September 10): Also known as the Mooncake Festival, this Chinese festival celebrates the harvest and family reunions. People gather to eat mooncakes, watch lion dances, and light lanterns.


  • Singapore International Film Festival (September): This annual event showcases the latest and greatest in local and international cinema. Film enthusiasts can attend screenings, workshops, and meet with filmmakers from around the world.

  • Deepavali (November 13): This Hindu festival celebrates the triumph of good over evil and the victory of light over darkness. Homes are decorated with colorful lights and people exchange gifts and sweets.


  • Halloween (October 31): This Western holiday has become increasingly popular in Singapore. People dress up in costumes, carve pumpkins, and trick-or-treat for candy.


  • Christmas Day (December 25): Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on this festive holiday. Churches hold special services and families gather for meals and gift-giving.


  • New Year’s Eve (December 31): Singaporeans bid farewell to the year with fireworks displays, parties, and live music. The atmosphere is filled with anticipation and excitement as the countdown to the new year begins.

Additional Features of the Singapore Printable Calendar 2025

In addition to major events and holidays, the Singapore Printable Calendar 2025 includes the following features:

  • Monthly calendars with clear and easy-to-read dates
  • Public holidays and school holidays highlighted
  • Phases of the moon
  • Sunrise and sunset times
  • Tide charts
  • Important phone numbers and addresses

Benefits of Using a Printable Calendar

A printable calendar offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Convenience: Easily accessible and can be printed at any time
  • Customization: Can be personalized with notes, appointments, and reminders
  • Organization: Helps keep track of important dates and events
  • Planning: Facilitates planning for vacations, appointments, and special occasions
  • Decoration: Can be used as a decorative element in homes or offices


The Singapore Printable Calendar 2025 is an essential tool for staying organized and informed throughout the year. Whether you are a resident or a visitor, this comprehensive calendar will help you plan your activities, celebrate holidays, and make the most of your time in Singapore. By printing and displaying the calendar in a convenient location, you can easily stay up-to-date on upcoming events and ensure that you don’t miss out on any important dates.

2025 Singapore Calendar with Holidays 2025 Singapore Calendar with Holidays 2025 Singapore Calendar with Holidays
2025 Singapore Calendar with Holidays 2025 Singapore Calendar with Holidays 2025 Singapore Calendar with Holidays
2025 Singapore Calendar with Holidays 2025 Singapore Calendar with Holidays


Thus, we hope this article has provided valuable insights into Singapore Printable Calendar 2025: A Comprehensive Guide to Major Events and Holidays. We thank you for taking the time to read this article. See you in our next article!